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Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Vow

The other day I watched "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and have officially vowed that my first car will be a Hybrid Plug-In. With the recent oil spill in the Gulf, I don't know many people who aren't irritated with the oil companies, but this documentary really got me furious. I cannot believe the technology that has been developed and henceforth silenced. It really is amazing how the rise of the electric car was soon smothered by several groups. Take a look at the Who Killed the Electric Car? Trailer (<-- at that link). I definitely feel more empowered to take more action, beyond my usual recycling, walking/bike-riding, energy-saving, waste-reducing stuff. I feel the need to do great things and take greater steps, leaps, into what I believe is the right direction, and not just in the environment.

Goals on the activism front, which I can do NOW:

  • Volunteer at an animal shelter
  • Big Brothers, Big Sisters
  • Environmental Club/Beach & forest clean-up
  • Protests about school budget cuts, letters to our congressmen & women
  • Compost
  • Gay rights and Equality

Goals on the activism front, for the FUTURE:

  • Hybrid Plug-in
  • Teach for America
  • International Student Volunteers
  • Green-ify my home (Solar paneling, florescent bulbs, insulated windows, etc)
What are your suggestions? What else can we do?

P.S. Yesterday was Day 16 of my job hunt.. & my last day hunting. I've been hired. :)

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