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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Forever Young

I'm going to be an awesome old woman. I'm actually fairly excited. Besides the decline of my health and overall youth, I think it should be fun. I'm going to wear whatever the hell I want, and love it. I could go gaudy glam some days, like the woman above, or go crazy bright and quirky like the lady below. I fully expect to wear hats with large bows, glitter, flowers, ribbons, maybe even feathers. I will have round glasses and the most awesome costume jewelry you have ever seen. I will spoil my grandchildren  like crazy or be the kind who gives them a nickel for tasks around my house. I will knit and have some sort of club or society that I attend. I will still bump my music (simply because I cannot hear it otherwise), I will still go dancing (even if it is at the senior center), and I will still laugh at anything that tickles me. I will occasionally tell tall tales, because I'm old, and I can. My kids and grandkids will go through my photos from this point in my life and talk about how no one dresses like that anymore, and be thrilled to see the life I lived and places I have traveled. I will still hit the gym, but it could be more like a step class, or water aerobics at the pool. I will go on cruises.
But most importantly,
I will still be living my life.
And that's all I can ask for.

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