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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Counting My Blessings

Sometimes when my mom drives me somewhere, I want to crap myself just a little. She insists on getting things herself, not buckling up until her car annoys her, dialing a cellphone that she has to hold away from her to read, taking exits that are too early, swerving herself into lanes when she realizes she's in the wrong one, and creeping forward at stoplights in left turn lanes as if it's a 'Yield on green.' As I sat in the passenger's seat today, going nuts in my head, I had to smile a bit. This was my mother. the eccentric and also very reserved soul who I had known my whole life. She's more eccentric with age, but still quite the graceful person. I remember a friend of mine saying she always thought my mom had a similar air to Julie Andrews. That is fairly accurate. This eccentricity may drive me mad some days, but most times it makes me laugh. My mother and I have had an interesting journey together.

In middle school, I, like most girls, had quite the hostile relationship with my mom. We definitely had it rough. But once that phase ended, I began to fully see and appreciate my mother for exactly who she was. And although I am still afraid that I'll pick up some crazy habits of my mother's, it could be worse..

I am fortunate enough to have a mother who will drive me to and from the BART station to come home for a visit, or when I need to come in for emergencies (mostly medical) who will take off work to make sure I can come in as soon as possible. I have a mother who accepted my choice to step away from God, and never pushed me to come back, knowing that I would come back on my own. Someone who worries for me, even when not entirely necessary, and who encourages me to be a better person everyday.

But it isn't just my mother who I can appreciate. I have been lucky enough to have a father who is devoted to his wife and kids, and who went out of his way to make sure we would have a special relationship and get every opportunity we desired. He took my sister and I on father-daughter trips and introduced us to museums and art and fabulous food. His love for our mother remains strong and an example that someone will have to live up to for myself and my sister someday.

We have been fortunate to be able to travel as a family and have been able to live comfortably enough. I have been given the opportunity to go to school in the city while my parents pay for my tuition, housing, and books.

And even though I always joke that I wanted a brother, I love my sister more than words can say. Nothing can break the kind of love that sisters have, and I am incredibly blessed to have been given such an awesome one. I love you, Sis.

I vent/complain about plenty of minor things in my life, but after this last week and the love and support I received from my family and friends alike, I took the time to count my blessings. And boy are they numerous! Thank you to anyone who has been here for me (in person or in spirit), and know that you are truly appreciated.

Count your blessings. Love much and often. Today's a great day to start.


  1. This made me tear up a little and miss my family. I'm glad that your relationship with your family is so strong. :)

  2. Jen, I count you in one of my blessings. =) Thanks for reading.
