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Friday, February 19, 2010


Today was surgery day. This would number four for me. Whoopee (not). Everything went smoothly, my swelling doesn't seem to be so bad so far (knock on wood), but the Zanex they gave me is just wearing off. I normally have surgery around nine and wake around 5 or so.. But today, nope. This time I wake up at 6:40 and still very woozy. Although in my head I felt fine and coherent, getting up to grab pain meds or use the ladies room required me to move slowly and hang on to things. I felt a little dizzy still. But this should be the last surgery of this particular process.

I love hearing about things that have happened or that I have said while I was intoxicated. My assistant today was a lady named Cheryl who was sweet as can be and understood how heavy the meds are and giggled a bit at my answers to things. Apparently when they woke me so I could be taken home I looked around and asked for Cheryl. I don't remember coming home or my mother setting up the couch. I remember the Olympics being on before I completely passed out again. Apparently my mother woke me to bring me food and a pill which I ate like a zombie and immediately fell back asleep. My puppy was at my side I guess the whole time. My dad came home and greeted me, which I don't remember. I also had several texts, and a phone call that I have no memory answering. Yep, today was surgery day. They're always interesting. The famous one would have to be my first surgery, where I announced I was going upstairs. My sister was upstairs and noticed me walking back and forth in the bathroom singing "boop boop boop" in no particular tune. She guided me downstairs where I fell back to sleep.

So now it's over and time for recovery. Which will involve some movies, TV, reading, and visits from friends who can take me places, since I cannot operate machinery. Happy recovery week.


  1. what is your surgery for? i hope you're doing well!!

  2. It was a bone graft. It hurts like no other, but I'm doing quite well. It is my fourth one after all. Thank you for the well wishes!

  3. oh wow i had no idea! ps we need to hang out this summer!!

  4. It's cool, I don't talk about it much. But yes, we DO need to hang out. =D
