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Sunday, February 7, 2010


Valentine's day.. How quickly do you turn me from "It's just another day.." to "I'm single and will live alone forever."

Today I had a conversation with one of my best friends talking humorously about our singledom. Something I said she mistook for me talking about running shoes. "Yea, you know, for catching a man." To which she replied, "If only it were that easy!" We are winded. I am winded. I hate running, for as far as I can remember I have hated running. There are times when it is exhilarating, and times where it leaves me gasping for air, or filled with aches. Which is exactly how "the chase" can be. But I still go running, just like I still keep my head up when it comes to meeting someone. Sure it doesn't always end up the way you would like, but each try might make the next time that much easier. So, yea, as of right now I am winded, and I feel like "quitting while I'm behind." But I'm not behind, I'm just getting started. I just need a minute to catch my breath. 

So to all of you who have a Valentine, Mazal Tov. To those of us who don't, "It's just another day," so let's drown ourselves in chocolate and go running. ;)


  1. I LOVE this! such a great metaphor. can we please do this on valentine's day? haha

  2. you know what julia.. I just LOVE reading your blog. you are much more exciting at it than me! haha

  3. =D thank you, Lauren! & No I am not more interesting than you at all! I love seeing what's up with you on your blog.
