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Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Don't Want This

Knowing you are headed towards a cold is one thing, being forced to get up at 4 AM because some dumbass in your building pulled the fire alarm is a whole other deal. I have not been sleeping well, to say the least, and last night my throat had that kind of tickle that doesn't go away. I'm pretty sure I had a minor fever at some point since I woke up in cold sweat at 5. I preceded to wake up once every hour. Each time my body ached when I moved, as if I hadn't moved for the past hour. This was inevitable. Dorms have got to be how epidemics start, because once someone you know, or someone who lives on your floor becomes sick, it's just a matter of time before the whole floor/group of friends become sick. So thank you, dorm-life, for the cold. I'm sure I'll be re-gifting it to someone else. In the meantime, I hope to kick this cold's ass with meds, rest, and orange juice.

On a completely different note, the ghost in our building is really beginning to freak me out. Her name is Catherine and she was murdered on the floor below us in the early 90's. We always joke about her activity in our building, but lately my roommate and I can't help but feel like it's been a bit too close for comfort. We're finding mysterious chocolate stains on clothes that are brand new/never been worn. We've had the microwave that wouldn't turn off until we unplugged it and my computer telling me "Merry Christmas" several times while I was alone. She hides our necessary objects and puts them in plain site when we get back to the room. She might be pissed. We've made drawings and so many jokes that she might be fed up. Know that I'm serious when I say, what the hell! I normally don't believe in this sort of thing, so this is a bit freaky.

Catherine Cooperland, if you're reading, I'm sorry for my disrespect. Please stop haunting me; I don't want this.

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